Popular musician, Adele, stuns on the front cover of Time Magazine’s latest issue.
Adele talks about motherhood,music,maintaining a good image,career, among other topics.

Read some of her views in the interview with Time Magazine below:
On why people respond so well to her music: The fact that I’m not shy or embarrassed to be falling apart.
Everyone falls apart, I think. A lot of people try to be brave and not shed a tear.
Sometimes when you know someone else feels as s— as you do, or approaches things in a certain way just like you do, it makes you feel better about yourself.
Even though my music is melancholy, there’s also joy in that.
I hope I do bring joy to people’s lives, and not just sadness, but I think there’s there’s a comfort in it.
But I honestly don’t know. If I knew, I would bottle it, and sell it to everyone else.
On being a mum: The environment in which my kid is growing up couldn’t be further away from the way I grew up.
But there was never any embarrassment about showing love in my family.
The other day I was saying, ‘Oh God, I’m finding this really hard again with a kid’.
I have no time for myself because in between doing this, all my spare time is with him.
But then I realized, he’s been keeping me totally cool and calm about the whole thing.
On taking time off music for her family: I was very conscious to make sure that our bond was strong and unbreakable. I had to get to that point before I’d come back.
On selling millions of copies of 25 in America: It’s a bit ridiculous.

I’m not even from America. Maybe they think I’m related to the Queen. Americans are obsessed with the royal family.